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... just another Meat-free Monday ...

It's so easy to eat veggie once in a while and Meat-free Monday can be a pleasure indeed! Today I wanted to try and recreate a memorable meal taken in a wee trattoria in Atina (a very, very pretty mountain town in the area south of Rome and north of Naples) - it was Dolcelatte & Walnut Fettuccine. Though I did add a cup of cooked left-over broccoli (making it a little bit healthier) so simple, yet so delicious!

Recipe for Dolcelatte & Walnut Fettuccine

  • 250 ml (8 fl oz) single cream

  • 200 g (7 oz) dolcelatte cheese, crumbled

  • 100 g (3½ oz) walnut pieces, toasted

  • 1 cup cooked broccoli florets

  • 350g Egg Fettuccine

Cook the pasta and while it's boiling, gently heat the single cream, when warm add the dolcelatte & broccoli and heat through. Toss the walnuts on at the end of cooking and mix together with the pasta - it really is that simple!

Serves 4



Shop local and try to use seasonal ingredients - they will be freshest and most economical



Buy the best you can afford - even if it means making do with less.



Keep it simple - and as unprocessed as possible.  Butter and E.V. Olive Oil over margarine, spreads and processed vegetable oils, 

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