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Merry alternative Christmas

After many years of doing the traditional Christmas tree and all the trimmings - I decided a couple of years ago to simplify, yet also up-grade my seasonal decorating. I was inspired by a lovely Christmas swag that I'd seen on Pinterest. We have a beautiful black marble fireplace with a gilt over-mantle mirror that could look amazing if done right.

I assembled all the tools and bits that I thought I'd need to recreate the look - these included some twisty branches from Ikea, a glue gun, some tiny cable ties, a string of Christmas lights and a picture wire.

I started by breaking the branches and twisting them into the kind of shape I wanted - I needed a slight overhang at each side and a bit of a build up at the centre. I used the cable ties for the most part and the glue gun on some other bits.

When I got the shape right, I then twisted the lights round and round.

I then found some glass icicles to hang randomly along (I used the tiny bulbs to hang the decorations on). I also found some pretty outrageous crystal hanging decorations and also some gold baubles that finished the look.

I'm very happy with the look of it - classy and festive!



Shop local and try to use seasonal ingredients - they will be freshest and most economical



Buy the best you can afford - even if it means making do with less.



Keep it simple - and as unprocessed as possible.  Butter and E.V. Olive Oil over margarine, spreads and processed vegetable oils, 

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