All the fixings for a delicious, healthy and warming Dark Chocolate Chai Latte
I'm fairly new to Chai Latte - I envisioned some overtly milky monstrosity when I first came across the name, but, I am oh so happy to say that my first taste of this wonderfully rich and spicy hot drink was "Oh my - this is so good", and with every sip it was "this is good" over and over. Then I had a Cardamon Coffee in a an uuber-cool coffee shop in Kensington Market in Toronto and again it was "... so, so good". So, with all the talk of the health-giving and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric & pepper, I decided to try my own version of this yummy drink.
2 cups water
4 black teabags
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 tbsp turmeric
1/2 tsp black pepper corns
1 1/2 tsp cardamon seeds
1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder or 2 squares 89% chocolate
1/2 tsp cloves
1 star anise
3 slices ginger
2 tbsp runny honey
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cups milk of any kind (nut, coconut or regular)
Loosely grind all spices.
Heat water, teabags and all the spices in a pot and bring to the boil - strain all spices and put in a jar to keep in the fridge.
Heat and froth your milk and add 1/4 of the mix to the milk. Enjoy
Makes 4 portions